岡山県岡山市|林原美術館 HAYASHIBARA




「金重陶陽 没後50年展」


 一   般 700円
 高・大学生 400円
 小・中学生 200円
 友 の 会 200円
※障害者手帳提示の方・付添者 無料
※団体(20名様以上) 2割引

日 時:平成29年10月1日(日) 13時30分~15時
講 師:東京国立近代美術館 特任研究員 諸山正則 氏
    岡山県指定重要無形文化財保持者 備前焼作家 金重晃介 氏
演 題:「金重陶陽 今もなお」
場 所:林原美術館ロビー
定 員:50名(要予約)

日 時:平成29年10月21日(土)・10月22日(日) 10時~16時25分
場 所:林原美術館内 茶室「竹明庵」
定 員:各日80名(要予約)

会期中の毎土曜日 14時から


【Special Exhibition】
KANESHIGE TOYO: 50th Memorial Retrospective
September 16-November 12, 2017

Kaneshige Toyo (1896-1967) was born in Imbe village, Wake district, Okayama prefecture (present day Imbe, Bizen city), as the first son of branch family of the Kaneshiges, one of the six authorized families to produce Bizen ware. Toyo quested the true nature of Bizen ware in those which were made in Momoyama era (For about 50 years around 1600A.D., Bizen ware made by pottery’s wheel was highly appreciated along with the popularity of tea ceremony.) and challenged to revive them, including the wheel techniques. Finally, he succeeded in coming it true with variety of efforts and established his own and new style, making the most of the clay’s characteristics as the most attractive point of Bizen ware and bringing out the beauty of the clay itself. Consequently in 1956, he was designated to be the first holder of important intangible cultural properties (a Living National Treasure) in the field of Bizen ware by the government. This became the basement of flourishing of today’s Bizen ware.
It has been 50 years since Toyo passed away and we are very pleased if this exhibition of his representative works helps you think of his achievement and big influence on modern Bizen ware.

陶藝巨匠 金重陶陽
二零一七年九月十六日(星期六) >> 二零一七年十一月十二日(星期日)

金重陶陽(1896-1967)生於岡山縣和氣郡伊部村(即現今備前市伊部),為當年授權製作備前燒的六大家族之一 ,金重家族分家之長子。陶陽推崇備前燒的簡樸自然感,並致力復興始於桃山時期以轆轤製作的備前燒陶藝。(桃山時期為公元1600 年前後約五十年,當年茶道的普及,讓以轆轤製作的備前燒工藝品獲得高度評價。)
金重陶陽成功地建立破舊立新的個人風格,利用泥土的天然特質,以淳樸無華的風格呈現備前燒獨一無二的豔麗。於1956年,陶陽成為首位被日本文部科學大臣指定在備前燒領域中的重要無形文化財保持者 ─ 人間國寶,亦成為備前燒源遠流長至今的根基。陶陽逝世至今已50載,我們很高興你能透過他的代表作,了解他對當今備前燒陶藝的重大貢獻及深遠影響。